Friday, May 30, 2014

Chiropractic care and children

Chiropractic care and children

For over a hundred years, chiropractors have cared for children, alongside adults. Many common childhood ailments have been proven to respond to this safe, natural form of health care, and a growing number of parents, especially those who are already chiropractic patients themselves, seek chiropractic care for their children. A child encounters many physical stresses during their growing years, and the resulting problems in children’s spines may occur at any point in their growth and development.  The cause of many newborn health complaints such as reflux, sleep issues, allergic reactions, breastfeeding problems, and chronic infections can often be traced to nervous system irritation caused by spinal and cranial misalignments.

The first challenge a growing spine faces is the position it is forced into inside the womb, such as the breech and posterior positions. Spinal segments can be pushed out of place even in the womb. If this position is less than ideal, it can result in a longer and more difficult labor. Even natural birthing methods can stress an infant’s spine and nervous system, much less interventions such as induction, forceps, or caesarean section. The latter (which account for a growing percentage of births in the United States), while appearing to offer a less traumatic birth for the child, may actually create additional traumas and compromises to the infant’s future health.
Because significant spinal trauma can occur at birth or in the womb, many parents choose to have their newborn’s spine assessed after birth. Many growing milestones, such as holding up the head, sitting upright, crawling, and walking, are affected by spinal alignment and are important times to have a child checked by a chiropractor. Falls, sports injuries, playground mishaps, heavy book bags and sitting for long periods in the classroom are physical stresses to the spine and nervous system are other reasons for seeking chiropractic care on a regular basis.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

The Benefits of Chiropractic Care

             Chiropracticcare is a method of natural healing, triggering the body to heal itself, and includes the use of manual spinal manipulation, helping restore the mobility of restricted joints resulting from tissue injury. Tissue injuries are a result of traumatic incidents, such as car accidents, falls, kinesthetic injuries (lifting or twisting the wrong way) or repetitive stress. Chiropractic care provides an alternative to conventional pain relief for injured muscles, joints, bones, and connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, and cartilage). Recurring headaches, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis patients also respond to this method of care.
            Involving no drugs or surgery, chiropractic methods are considered safe for most patients. The techniques used are believed to treat the body as a whole, rather than just treating individual symptoms. The chiropractic viewpoint holds that if the spine is out of alignment, other body systems will manifest symptoms of illness or dysfunction.  Patients who visit a chiropractor regularly generally see a reduction in previous symptoms of lower backaches, headaches, and neck strain. When combined with regular exercise and diet changes, many patients see a positive change in overall health.
            Chiropractors incorporate exercise, rehabilitation, and nutritional counseling into their treatment plans, the goal of their practice being to restore function to their patients, as well as the prevention of future injuries by educating patients about spinal health, exercise, and nutrition. While a large percentage of chiropractic patients are those suffering from acute lower back pain, patients with a variety of conditions, illnesses, and symptoms see a chiropractor regularly as an alternative or in conjunction with traditional medical treatment. 

3636 Panola Rd Ste B
Lithonia, GA 30038

Thursday, May 1, 2014

European Body Wraps and Weight Loss

European Body Wraps and Weight Loss

The European or “medicinal” body wrap dates back thousands of years, and was used by the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans. Cloth or medical bandages are soaked in a solution of herbs before being wrapped around the body. The herbal solution then penetrates the body’s cells, cleansing and moisturizing soft tissues, while contributing to loss of body inches and possible body weight loss.

Most European bodywraps offered at spas and health stores take one hour, and most clients are guaranteed to lose anywhere from 6-30 inches as a result of the initial wrap. Working with the lymphatic system, body wraps helps to eliminate toxins and fatty expansions that have built up in body tissues. The herbal solution absorbed into the body enhances the movement of lymph and other tissue fluids, promoting a healthy, normal functioning of the lymphatic system. Clients are encouraged to drink water after the body wrap, which then flushes toxins and body fat out of the body. The treatment works best when combined with a healthy diet, and for continued results, three to seven wraps are suggested. Lost inches should not come back if body weight is maintained.
Resistance exercising and movement used in conjunction with the European body wrap eliminates the toxic effect on muscles while toning, producing tighter, firmer body tissue, which results in loss of inches. Along with reducing body inches, the wrap reduces the appearance of cellulite and stretch marks. While tightening soft tissue and skin, European body wraps are known to lift breasts, smooth bulging on thighs and hips, contour the waistline, and tighten abdominal area.