Wednesday, November 21, 2012

The Trouble with Diets

The Trouble with Diets

The most difficult issue with losing weight and keeping it off is willpower. Losing weight is a hard thing to do and not everyone can stay on track. Sometimes this is where a wellness center is a great thing because not only can we customize a diet plan for you, which will help optimize the most energy from the foods you eat, but we can offer plenty of necessary emotional support along the way! While with each jeans size dropped the stronger one’s motivation tends to get, all it takes are a few holiday parties, one too many fruity cocktails and irresistible sweets (gingerbread cupcakes, anyone?) to fall off track and get discouraged. Here are a few tips to help keep you informed. Remember, if you fall off and have a bad night, don’t beat yourself up, we’ve all been there! Just enjoy the indulgence while you can and make better decisions next time!

1) Mint has been known to increase mental stimulation and ward off hunger pains. Carry gum or a couple of fresh mint sprigs to chew on when you feel weak.

2) Always, always ALWAYS carry water with you! If you need something warm, opt for green tea, but go easy on the honey. The trick is to take in more liquids than you do food, this helps your body to feel fuller longer so your less likely to nosh on nonsense.

Beat the holiday weight gain! Did you know that one of the Full Body Rejuvenation Center's services is weight management? Looking to lose weight? Join us in this 90 day challenge! Imagine dropping all those unwanted pounds in just 90 (NINETY) DAYS!! Wow!! IT WORKED FOR ME; IT'LL WORK FOR YOU! Click on this link to start shedding weight today! Don't fall into the Thanksgiving Blue!

Good luck and happy holidays!


Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Stress the Silent Killer

stress and gray hair

Did you know that there are three major types of stress? Did you know that research has found that stress can make individuals more prone to both physical and psychological problems, including anxiety and heart disease?  Did you also know that as you are reading this your probably stressing out about something?

If you are, it’s time to stop! Stress is HORRIBLE for us! Not only can it cause disease, age us prematurely and just overall make us crazy, stress can also put you into an early grave! Who wants that?

full body rejuvenation center
The three major types of stress are categorized as:

Crisis Situation (earthquakes, floods and other assorted natural disasters that one has no control over)

Daily Life (deadlines, annoying colleagues, that guy you see every morning who just doesn’t get the hint that your not interested, traffic jams, evil bosses and so forth)

Major Life Changes (such as divorce, losing a child, going back to school, moving and all those things that we simply have no control over)

However, don’t fret! Despite our crazy stressful lives, there are things we can all do to relax:

Take a vacation (somewhere where the only requirement is to relax!)

Practice yoga (hey, those mats aren’t just for laying on!)

Treat yourself to a spa day (gel pedicure? Sure, why not?)

Or, you could come to Full Body Rejuvenation and wellness center and receive chiropractic adjustments to take all that pressure off the places in your body where it shouldn’t be so you can handle anything that life has to throw your way.  

Let us take your physical stress away so that your mental stress doesn’t seem so bad. Once you start feeling amazing, not only is life a whole new place; but you’ll know you made the right decision. Check us out at or call 770-733-1381 for more info and to book your first appointment.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Don’t be a Chiro-Skeptic

Don’t be a Chiro-Skeptic

            The dictionary describes the term “chiropractic” as the following- “The diagnosis and manipulative treatment of misalignments of the joints, especially those of the spinal column”. While some people believe in the healing techniques associated with chiropractic care, others are far more skeptical.  Before assuming that Chiropractors don’t know what they’re doing or talking about, consider this:

Chiropractic adjustments are given for all sorts of reasons- car accidents, headaches, neck pain, etc., which hinder the body’s ability to perform at its optimum capacity. Restriction of the spine in any way can cause nerve pressure, inflammation and limited range of motion, as well as other factors. These misalignments (also known as subluxations) interfere with proper functioning of the spine and nervous system. When these adjustments are given, the spine is able to “unlock”, which helps the nerves restore proper function throughout the body, which causes the body to feel better.

            Chiropractic care is something that should be researched with as much care as researching any other sort of medical professional. Make sure this is something you’re comfortable with, first and foremost. Do your homework! Understand the benefits and make sure this is something that will work for you. Some of the benefits include improved body function, a non-invasive, drug free approach to healing the body and best of all- no surgery!

            If you’re a naturalist who hates the idea of popping pills to get over some back pain, chiropractic treatment would probably be your first option. The best way to enter chiropractic care is with an open mind- and once you experience the awesome benefits that come with it, there’s no turning back!

Office #: 770.733.1381
Address: 3636 Panola Road. Suite B.
Lithonia, GA 30038

Monday, October 1, 2012

Drug Free- How it Should Be!

          Everyone knows severe back pain is no joke. Quite the opposite, in fact. Pain that can keep you from living your every day life is not only annoying and disruptive, but it's, well... painful! However, while it's easy to just go to the doctor, have them write you out a prescription, and then take these pills that may or may not work (in addition to destroying your insides), why not go to a chiropractor and get it taken care of the all natural way?

          While pills may take the edge off your pain, even over the counter medicine comes with high risk of liver failure, nausea and a plethora of other things that aren't good for you. As far as prescription drugs to ease the pain, they may or may not work and you also run the risk of becoming addicted. So not only will you have back pain, you'll also have a seriously uunhealthy addiction! While these pills may make you feel good, it's all an illusion. That stuff is bad business! Did you know that at least 60% of Americans are addicted to some form of prescrption drug? Did you also know that the rate for death by accidental overdose of pills is one of the leading causes of death in this country? Not only are these pills harmful, they're just plain dangerous.
           Fear not, there IS a solution- CHIROPRACTICS! Yes folks, we handle your pain the all natural way. While you may not feel instant relief (depending on the severity of your pain), over time, you WILL heal, and your liver, brain (and wallet) will thank you for it. Prescription drug addiction is no joke, and there IS an alternative. Just try it out- what have you got to lose besides your pain?

          Call us today at 770-733-1381 and get your life back!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

What’s the Difference?

What's the difference...

Between chiropractic therapy and massage therapy?

Whereas massage therapy does have some medicinal purpose, its main focus is relaxation. Chiropractic, however, is a more common method used to alleviate pain primarily in the shoulders, neck, lower back and legs. When given on a regular basis, chiropractic adjustments can alleviate spinal interference, which is what prevents nerve messages from leaving the brain properly.

While massage therapy is enjoyable and has been used as a treatment for relaxation for centuries, chiropractic adjustments have a better record of addressing misaligned vertebrae, which can impinge on nerves.

For more information on basic chiropractic adjustments, check out this YouTube video then come to our website ( or call 770-733-1381 to make an appointment with us so we start helping you today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sports and Chiropractics

If you still have reservations about chiropractic care, check out this video.

Olympic medalists such as Jill Kintner (featured in the video), Carl Lewis, Edward Johnson, even diver Greg Louganis have all sought chiropractic treatments and adjustments to help their bodies perform at their best.

Even if you aren't an athlete, you can still benefit!

Check out this video in the link above just to see a demonstration of chiropractic care. Then give us a call at 770-733-1381 and book your appointment!

Still not convinced?

Check out our website at, do your research, and then, once you realize everything we can do for you, give us a call!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

5 Reasons You Should Come See Us

Did You Know That....

           According to the New England Journal of Medicine that 1,000 capsules of Tylenol in a lifetime can double the risk of end stage renal disease. So instead of popping a Tylenol or some other over the counter pill that you think will help your pain go away or merely "take the edge off", come see us! Our spinal massage and manipulation techniques are way safer for you than any drug could ever be!

          Chiropractic treatments have been known to lower your risk of high blood pressure?  It's true!

          Meniere's Disease has been linked to a disorder of the upper cervical spine facet joints. This could be lessened with regular chiropractic visits.

          Chiropractic care can aid in weight loss! It's true! In addition to offering moral support, chiropractics can also designate a workout/diet plan that specifically fits your needs, as opposed to someone who has no back pain and can exercise freely.

          Back pain is one of the most common reasons for work related absences.  In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, second only to the common cold. So if your one of those rare few lucky folks who love what they do and hate the idea of missing a few days or weeks work, (or simply can't afford to miss that much work) give us a call and we can help you get right back on track!

          Still not convinced? Come check out our website @ or give us a call at 770-733-1381 for more info.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

NYC Massage Therapist, Cameron Richards, Provides Drug Free Alternative To Pain Management

NYC Massage Therapist, Cameron Richards, Provides Drug Free Alternative To Pain Management

This is a good read. I have many clients who can relate to this store. One client of mine was in a double accident with double whiplash. The only thing that helped her pain, short of being on consistant pain medication, was a combination of biweekly massage therapy and weekly chiropractic therapy.

"At one time, massage therapy was an after-thought; a luxury most Americans treated themselves to once every few months. Today, massage therapy is becoming a necessary way of life; a drug-free alternative to dealing with neck, shoulder, or back pain brought on by our demanding lifestyles."

Monday, September 3, 2012

Want a New Body? Come See Us!

                  It seems these days that everyone wants to slim down and lose some weight. And with good reason! According to The World Health Organization, nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center for Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are  obese. To see more scary facts about America's battle with weight, check this out.

                If you fall under one of these categories and are ready for a change, fear not, because we're here to help! Chiropractics seems to be an untapped resource for those struggling to manage their weight and falling of track time and time again. We can help you by evaluating your current lifestyle and figuring out what course of action would work best for you in terms of nutrition counseling, physical therapy, and yes, even massage! (Massaging the spine helps take pressure off the spinal cord, which will improve flexibility).

                 Chiropractic care can also improve the body's circulation and delivery of nutrients throughout, as well as protecting the immune system, which will cause less risk of disease, better sleep, even being more relaxed! Chiropractors can also act as "wellness coaches", offering moral support and encouragement when dieting and exercise seems like more of a hassle than it's worth.

                So call us at 770-733-1381 or check us out at What have you got to lose? (Besides a few dress sizes?)


Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Let us ease your tension

Are you one of the 9 in 10 Americans that suffer from headaches?

If you are, you know how painful and uncomfortable they can be! Headaches can be triggered by anything- stress, eyestrain, dehydration, insomnia, even some of the foods you eat! Rather than live in agony (or of course, seek temporary relief by lying in a dark room with a cold compress on your forehead) come see us!

According to the American Chiropractic Association, research shows that spinal manipulation could be an effective option for headaches that are tension related or originate in the neck. Additionally, a chiropractor may be able to offer you some advice on ways to combat headaches, from telling you the foods you may want to avoid, to offering ways of adjusting your posture so all of that tension doesn't build in the spine. If you have a job where you sit at a desk all day, they can give helpful tips to keep the blood flowing, (which helps you feel more alert) as well as stretching techniques so you aren't stuck in a single position all day long.

I can't stress enough the importance of getting up at least once an hour to stretch. Even if you just go get a drink of water, make a trip to the bathroom, or simply stand and stretch your body- you would be amazed at how much better your body will feel long term. Another big trigger most people don't realize is how important it is to stay hydrated! Not only will it help with a multitude of other minor aches and pains (staying alert, having more energy, and not getting the "dehydration hunger pangs") but the more water you drink, the better it is for your entire system.

Don't spend one more day with a jarring headache that could ruin your whole day! Come see us at, make an appointment, and get back to feeling your best as soon as possible!

Monday, August 27, 2012


If you feel a bit twisted,
you should give us a visit.
We can't cure you in one shot,
But we'll give it all we've got.

Here at Full Body,
Our treatment is never shoddy.
 You'll leave feeling great
Because our team is first rate!
We want you to feel
Like you're able to heal
Wellness of body and soul
is our ultimate goal.

We strive for the best
So put us to the test
Full Body Rejuvenation
Will soon take over the nation

If you don't believe me
Try it for yourself and see
So give us a call,
For what you need we've got it all!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Facts about Your Back

Most people don't realize this, but back pain is the most common reason people seek chiropractic treatment. Regardless of what sort of back pain you have, certain things are always true- it's annoying, uncomfortable and can be quite an inconvenience! But fear not, Full Body Rejuvenation is here to help! Call us to help remedy whatever back trouble you may be having, and in the meantime, check out these stats on back pain from the American Chiropractic Association:

1) Americans spend as much as $50 billion a year on back pain, and that's just for the easily identified problems (back pain is NOT a joke!)

2) Approximately 25% of US adults reported having low back pain lasting at least one day in the last three months, and 7.6% reported at least one episode of severe acute loe back pain within a one year period. (This is why you need to call us, so you can put back pain to bed and get your life back!)

3) Most causes of back pain are mechanical- meaning cancer, inflammatory arthritis and infection are not typical causes. (Which means it's not anything you need to be afraid of!)

4) Back pain is the most common cause of work restrictions in people younger than 45. (Which is entirely too early in life to have to feel restricted about any part of your body!) 

To check out more facts and stats about back pain, check out

Then you should come check out

If you decide to seek treatment today, call us at 770-733-1381.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Scoliosis and Chiropractics

Scoliosis is a medical condition that causes unnatural curving of the spine. Typically, it falls under one of three categories: Idiopathic, which has no known cause and is the most common diagnosis, congenital (which is present from birth) or neuromuscular. When it’s neuromuscular, it’s a secondary symptom of physical trauma, cerebral palsy, or one of several other conditions. Scoliosis can develop at any point in a persons life. If you think you may have it, some signs to be cautious of include the following:

1) Uneven musculature on one side of the spine
2) Uneven hips, uneven arm/leg lengths 
3) An unusually prominent rib or shoulder blade
Not to fear! As unpleasant as scoliosis may be, it happens to be one of our many specialties here at Full Body Rejuvenation. If you've never had chiropractic treatment but think you may need it, come in for a consultation. All it can do is help! At Full Body Rejuvenation, our goal is your comfort and wellness. After just one treatment, you'll leave feeling so much better! But don't take our word for it. Come in and see for yourself! 

For more info, give us a call at 770-733-1381 or check out

Thursday, August 16, 2012


Getting Back to School Can Be “Back Breaking” Work: Don’t let a Heavy Backpack Ruin Your Child’s Day. 


The American Chiropractic Association, its Council on Occupational Health and your local doctor of chiropractic offer the following tips to help prevent the needless pain an overstuffed backpack could cause the student in your household.  And now that backpacks have begun to replace briefcases in the work place, you too, might want to follow this advice:

Make sure your child’s backpack weighs no more than 5 to 10 percent of his or her body weight; the backpack will cause your child to begin bending forward in an attempt to support the weight on his or her back rather than on the shoulders, by the straps.

A backpack with individualized compartments will help you position the contents most effectively and ensure that your child’s sandwich isn't flattened by a heavy textbook.

When packing the backpack, make sure that pointy or bulky objects are packed away from the area that will rest on the child’s back.  An uneven surface rubbing against your child’s back could cause painful blisters.
Tell your child to use both shoulder straps, not just one. 

A backpack slung over one shoulder disproportionately shifts all of the weight to one side, and can cause not only neck and muscle spasms, but also low back pain.

Padded shoulder straps are very important.  Not only will they be more comfortable than non-padded straps, but they will also help prevent the straps from digging into your child’s shoulders.

The shoulder straps should be adjustable, so the backpack can be fitted to your child’s body.  Shoulder straps that are too loose can cause the backpack to dangle uncomfortably, and cause misalignment and pain.

If the backpack is still too heavy, talk with your child's teacher.  It might be possible to leave the heaviest books at school, and bring home only lighter handout materials or work books.

Talk to your child about the proper use of backpacks and help him or her understand why this and other ergonomic issues are important. 

A child who is educated early in life on these issues can apply this knowledge late in life (at home or in the office) and as a result, your child will be happier and healthier.

   Working together for the betterment of our children’s health

For More Information Call:
Full Body Rejuvenation Center
3636 Panola Rd., Suite B
Lithonia, GA 30038

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Expecting? In Pain? Come see us!

Here at Full Body Rejuvenation, your wellness as well as comfort are two things we consistently strive for. While pregnant, some concerns might arise to the safety of chiropractic care while expecting. If you have questions or doubts, fear not, we're here to help!

Not only does chiropractic care during pregnancy relieve those awful aches throughout the body, but regular chiropractic care can also cause you to have an easier pregnancy throughout the whole experience. This happens by stimulating the nervous system, which enhances correct functioning of the reproductive organs. This will not only support the baby's needs during pregnancy, but also potentially cause a smoother delivery.

If this sounds like something of interest to you, be sure to do your homework! Find a doctor who is trained through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association. If your still hesitant but experiencing a less than pleasant pregnancy try pre-natal yoga! Additionally, any pressure that you put on your hips must be balanced- avoid doing activities that cause you to do any repetitive motions to one specific hip.

 Still unsure? Give us a call at 770-733-1381. Not only can we set your mind at ease, but if you schedule an appointment and give it a try, a smoother pregnancy lies in your future :D