Saturday, October 25, 2014

Losing Weight and Getting Healthy Is Not Complicated – 3 Positively Easy Ways To Start

Millions of people hear the terms weight loss or healthy living and immediately scoff. They think about eating only celery sticks and carrots. Or they think that they cannot have a hamburger here and there. Too often, people take the idea of health and wellness to extremes. There’s nothing wrong with certain extremes, however, that isn’t the course of action every single person has to take. If you’re overweight, and you feel the need to lose weight in a positive manner, do not be scared by healthy living, instead, focus on how to invigorate your life with a little bit of a push. There is no need to over complicate this, or to assume you’ll be miserable, because that’s not true at all.

Start Slowly (Assessment)

First and foremost, take a moment to assess your goals. You don’t want to start day one of your new
life with thinking that you want to drop 100 or 200 pounds. Set aside extreme goals in favor of smaller steps. If you start to climb a mountain and have no background in climbing, you will fail. It’s with that in mind, that you should start slowly by assessing realistic goals. Set yourself up for success by looking at trying to lose 5 or 10 pounds over the course of a couple of months. Once you’ve hit that goal, set up a secondary goal and continue to move forward slowly with a plan of action. Don’t go extreme here, because you’ll end up miserable.

Cut Out Processed Foods

Look at your grocery list and slowly start removing processed sugars, refined carbohydrates, and other elements. Look at ingredients, and see what you can have that is made of whole grains, natural ingredients, and make sure that you can pronounce them and identify them in your mind. If you find that you cannot pronounce something or you aren’t sure what the root element is, don’t buy it. Try to look at moving away from processed box foods, microwaveable meals, and other elements that are high in salt, sugar, and fats. Again, you don’t need to go extreme, just make a better effort, you’ll get moving forward in time.

Find Something Fun To Do

For those that aren’t big on exercise, don’t worry, there are ways to do it that aren’t so tedious. In order to gain leverage here, look into finding something that is fun for you. One easy option is to buy

a jump rope. Childish as this may seem, you’ll find that jumping rope for at least 10 minutes straight, will wind even the most fit of people. Jumping rope is just an example, find another option if you must, and look for “fun” exercise to do. If you find fun, you will not think of exercise as something that is boring.

The above 3 tips are easy to implement. They do not call on superman to show up and go through the motions. Everyday life can be altered slowly and effectively if you just take simple steps towards a better future. 

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Is It Better For A Chiropractor To Have An MD on Staff?

This is a tough question that many chiropractors have to ask themselves at one point or another. Is it truly better to have an MD on staff? The short answer is yes, but it’s really a matter of the goal of the practice as a whole. Exploring some of the benefits could in fact be a good thing here, which is why it’s imperative to look through several pieces of this solution before moving forward with a simple, cut and dry answer.

Without An MD

Chiropractors are able to move forward without having a doctor in
their offices. The goal remains the same, however, helping people heal through a natural manner. Doctors can stifle this from time to time, as they may not be quick to go forward with a natural component, in favor of pharmaceutical recommendations. While there’s nothing wrong with certain drugs, they should not be the focus of care up front. Some people will rely heavily on the drugs to mask the issue, rather than fix the root problem and that’s where things can become a bit difficult to manage for individuals in this medical world.

With An MD

There is something to be said about partnering up with a medical doctor, especially one that is Seeing Eye to eye with a chiropractor. By being on the same page, patient care can become streamlined. Finding the root issue and taking care of issues can become a lot easier, especially when the problems can be diagnosed within both worlds of natural and pharmaceutical solutions. This is where the emphatic yes, becomes the answer. Yes, it can be better for a chiropractor to have an MD on staff because they can diagnose further issues that may be outside of the realm of natural remedies.

The Bottom Line

At the end of the day, the answer can be somewhat difficult to answer in a black and white manner. Some will argue that it is better and others will argue in the opposite end of the spectrum. As a result, it’s important to look at elements of both sides of the proverbial coin. Some will benefit from this, but only if the doctor on staff is on the same page with the chiropractor and vice versa. When there’s arguments, or differences of opinions in regards to patient care, things can become a bit blurred.

Friday, October 10, 2014

How Teachers Would Benefit From Massage Therapy

Teachers are under appreciated. Talk to any teacher today, and you’ll hear stories from the front lines of education, and you’ll hear fatigue in their voice, and struggles. While many do a great job, there’s a lot that are tired, weary, and just need a little support. It’s not just a mental stress, it’s a physical one, as you’ll find many teachers have to stand, walk, and be at their position far more than just your standard 9 to 5 work load that most people get. As such, many are injured on the job, deal with problems in their feet, joints, and other cardiovascular issues that can surmount. It’s for that reason that many could in fact use a bit of relaxation, and that can come through massage therapy.

The Body Tenses Up

When the body is continually abused, even if it’s not on purpose, certain muscle groups and even joints lock up. This is manifested with pain, structural damage, and even detriment to the tissue themselves. When the connections start to lose mobility, it can be hard to reverse. Left without any sort of routine care, the body will eventually break down to a point where surgery will be needed. Avoiding surgery is something that should be paramount of teachers, as many cannot afford to be sidelined with an injury for too long. That’s where massage steps into help.

Reconnecting The Tissue

At the molecular level, you’ll find that a good massage therapist doesn’t just promote relaxation, they connect tissue back into the right place. The body can tie itself up in knots, injuries can manifest on the muscle tissue, and connections can be stifled, broken, or completely battered. A good therapist will knead the tissue, and look at the connecting points to elongate muscle and pay attention to these problem areas for teachers. At the end of one session alone, a teacher could feel dynamic, responsive, and ready to get back into the classroom.

The Long Term

Teachers should look at this in a long term manner. As more and more get specialized attention to their body’s, the response will be jovial, and an increased in energy and joy will manifest as a result. Left without any routine care, the body’s muscular systems will cause a number of issues. Massage is not only about stress relief, which is a good component, it’s about providing the body a push forward to proper homeostasis. 

Thursday, October 2, 2014

Going Pink in October

October is fast approaching and you’ll find that it is not just another fall month. It’s something grand,
and it should get you to move forward with wearing more pink. Why is that? Because it’s National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. That’s right, the National Breast Cancer Foundation Inc. and people across the world are looking at October as a month to educate, support, and fight against this cancer that can strike any woman. The more education that is put forward, and the more women find out the warning signs, the better chances they will have to fight and win against this battle.

Understanding BreastCancer

Breast cancer is one of the leading causes of death in women today. The cancer cells can form in the breast tissue and form into a malignant tumor. Once the tumor is in place, it can manifest into a lump
full body rejuvenation center
and grow rapidly. If detected early, and a course of treatment is given to women, survival rates go up. However, if not detected early, and the cells spread, they can cause serious problems, complications, and even death. There is no 100% cure for this issue, but early detection is crucial to the fight. Many women have found success rates with regular screenings (mammograms), and cancer treatments administered through their doctor. The kicker here is that it’s not just women that can develop it, 2,000 plus men will get diagnosed with this as well, and that’s something that is definitely worth noting as well.

The Factors

There are two major types of factors that are linked to breast cancer risk. Genetic and environmental. Genetic options cannot be thwarted, but some things can be done to detect the early presence of this issue. Environmental factors can be thwarted and changed. Behavior modification such as a sedentary lifestyle, being overweight, alcoholism, and other factors can be shifted to reduce the risk. Even with a reduction of risks, there’s no 100% way to change the course of cancer risk.

Going Pink

In October, join the fight against Breast Cancer by wearing pink, supporting The National Breast

Cancer Foundation, and talking with others in regards to this disease. The more awareness that can be spread, the more donations can be given, and the fight can keep going against breast cancer in today’s world. Awareness is the key to early detection, and that plan of action can raise the survival rate and hopefully a cure as well.

Dr. Nailah Smith
Full Body Rejuvenation Center
Lithonia GA
Contact Us: 770-733-1381