Thursday, September 20, 2012

What’s the Difference?

What's the difference...

Between chiropractic therapy and massage therapy?

Whereas massage therapy does have some medicinal purpose, its main focus is relaxation. Chiropractic, however, is a more common method used to alleviate pain primarily in the shoulders, neck, lower back and legs. When given on a regular basis, chiropractic adjustments can alleviate spinal interference, which is what prevents nerve messages from leaving the brain properly.

While massage therapy is enjoyable and has been used as a treatment for relaxation for centuries, chiropractic adjustments have a better record of addressing misaligned vertebrae, which can impinge on nerves.

For more information on basic chiropractic adjustments, check out this YouTube video then come to our website ( or call 770-733-1381 to make an appointment with us so we start helping you today!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sports and Chiropractics

If you still have reservations about chiropractic care, check out this video.

Olympic medalists such as Jill Kintner (featured in the video), Carl Lewis, Edward Johnson, even diver Greg Louganis have all sought chiropractic treatments and adjustments to help their bodies perform at their best.

Even if you aren't an athlete, you can still benefit!

Check out this video in the link above just to see a demonstration of chiropractic care. Then give us a call at 770-733-1381 and book your appointment!

Still not convinced?

Check out our website at, do your research, and then, once you realize everything we can do for you, give us a call!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

5 Reasons You Should Come See Us

Did You Know That....

           According to the New England Journal of Medicine that 1,000 capsules of Tylenol in a lifetime can double the risk of end stage renal disease. So instead of popping a Tylenol or some other over the counter pill that you think will help your pain go away or merely "take the edge off", come see us! Our spinal massage and manipulation techniques are way safer for you than any drug could ever be!

          Chiropractic treatments have been known to lower your risk of high blood pressure?  It's true!

          Meniere's Disease has been linked to a disorder of the upper cervical spine facet joints. This could be lessened with regular chiropractic visits.

          Chiropractic care can aid in weight loss! It's true! In addition to offering moral support, chiropractics can also designate a workout/diet plan that specifically fits your needs, as opposed to someone who has no back pain and can exercise freely.

          Back pain is one of the most common reasons for work related absences.  In fact, back pain is the second most common reason for visits to the doctor’s office, second only to the common cold. So if your one of those rare few lucky folks who love what they do and hate the idea of missing a few days or weeks work, (or simply can't afford to miss that much work) give us a call and we can help you get right back on track!

          Still not convinced? Come check out our website @ or give us a call at 770-733-1381 for more info.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

NYC Massage Therapist, Cameron Richards, Provides Drug Free Alternative To Pain Management

NYC Massage Therapist, Cameron Richards, Provides Drug Free Alternative To Pain Management

This is a good read. I have many clients who can relate to this store. One client of mine was in a double accident with double whiplash. The only thing that helped her pain, short of being on consistant pain medication, was a combination of biweekly massage therapy and weekly chiropractic therapy.

"At one time, massage therapy was an after-thought; a luxury most Americans treated themselves to once every few months. Today, massage therapy is becoming a necessary way of life; a drug-free alternative to dealing with neck, shoulder, or back pain brought on by our demanding lifestyles."

Monday, September 3, 2012

Want a New Body? Come See Us!

                  It seems these days that everyone wants to slim down and lose some weight. And with good reason! According to The World Health Organization, nearly two-thirds of all American adults are overweight. The National Center for Health Statistics recently found that 34% of Americans are  obese. To see more scary facts about America's battle with weight, check this out.

                If you fall under one of these categories and are ready for a change, fear not, because we're here to help! Chiropractics seems to be an untapped resource for those struggling to manage their weight and falling of track time and time again. We can help you by evaluating your current lifestyle and figuring out what course of action would work best for you in terms of nutrition counseling, physical therapy, and yes, even massage! (Massaging the spine helps take pressure off the spinal cord, which will improve flexibility).

                 Chiropractic care can also improve the body's circulation and delivery of nutrients throughout, as well as protecting the immune system, which will cause less risk of disease, better sleep, even being more relaxed! Chiropractors can also act as "wellness coaches", offering moral support and encouragement when dieting and exercise seems like more of a hassle than it's worth.

                So call us at 770-733-1381 or check us out at What have you got to lose? (Besides a few dress sizes?)