The Benefits of Chiropractic Care
Chiropracticcare is a method of natural healing, triggering the body to heal itself, and
includes the use of manual spinal manipulation, helping restore the mobility of
restricted joints resulting from tissue injury. Tissue injuries are a result of
traumatic incidents, such as car accidents, falls, kinesthetic injuries
(lifting or twisting the wrong way) or repetitive stress. Chiropractic care
provides an alternative to conventional pain relief for injured muscles,
joints, bones, and connective tissues (ligaments, tendons, and cartilage). Recurring
headaches, fibromyalgia, and osteoarthritis patients also respond to this
method of care.
no drugs or surgery, chiropractic methods are considered safe for most patients.
The techniques used are believed to treat the body as a whole, rather than just
treating individual symptoms. The chiropractic viewpoint holds that if the
spine is out of alignment, other body systems will manifest symptoms of illness
or dysfunction. Patients who visit a
chiropractor regularly generally see a reduction in previous symptoms of lower
backaches, headaches, and neck strain. When combined with regular exercise and
diet changes, many patients see a positive change in overall health.
Dr. Smith is the owner of Full Body Rejuvenation Center
3636 Panola Rd Ste B
Lithonia, GA 30038
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