Friday, October 10, 2014

How Teachers Would Benefit From Massage Therapy

Teachers are under appreciated. Talk to any teacher today, and you’ll hear stories from the front lines of education, and you’ll hear fatigue in their voice, and struggles. While many do a great job, there’s a lot that are tired, weary, and just need a little support. It’s not just a mental stress, it’s a physical one, as you’ll find many teachers have to stand, walk, and be at their position far more than just your standard 9 to 5 work load that most people get. As such, many are injured on the job, deal with problems in their feet, joints, and other cardiovascular issues that can surmount. It’s for that reason that many could in fact use a bit of relaxation, and that can come through massage therapy.

The Body Tenses Up

When the body is continually abused, even if it’s not on purpose, certain muscle groups and even joints lock up. This is manifested with pain, structural damage, and even detriment to the tissue themselves. When the connections start to lose mobility, it can be hard to reverse. Left without any sort of routine care, the body will eventually break down to a point where surgery will be needed. Avoiding surgery is something that should be paramount of teachers, as many cannot afford to be sidelined with an injury for too long. That’s where massage steps into help.

Reconnecting The Tissue

At the molecular level, you’ll find that a good massage therapist doesn’t just promote relaxation, they connect tissue back into the right place. The body can tie itself up in knots, injuries can manifest on the muscle tissue, and connections can be stifled, broken, or completely battered. A good therapist will knead the tissue, and look at the connecting points to elongate muscle and pay attention to these problem areas for teachers. At the end of one session alone, a teacher could feel dynamic, responsive, and ready to get back into the classroom.

The Long Term

Teachers should look at this in a long term manner. As more and more get specialized attention to their body’s, the response will be jovial, and an increased in energy and joy will manifest as a result. Left without any routine care, the body’s muscular systems will cause a number of issues. Massage is not only about stress relief, which is a good component, it’s about providing the body a push forward to proper homeostasis. 

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