Friday, September 12, 2014

Simple Tips To Avoid Back Issues – Children and Teenagers

Going back to school is a great time of year, as it provides millions of children and teenagers with an
experience of a lifetime. Through the school year there is going to be a lot of fun, learning and more to be had. With everyday classes, carrying books around, and walking to and from classes will become a breeze, and most will not think about the issues that will manifest from carrying backpacks back and forth. This is especially true for kids that are not going to utilize their lockers, but instead want to carry their books with them for easier time frames going to and from classrooms. With that in mind, it’s important to consider a few tips to avoid injuring the lower or upper back.

The most important thing to remember about wearing a backpack to and from different location is to
make sure that it is worn correctly. A backpack is not to be placed too low on the back, or too high. It should fit square across the back, without having to adjust too much. Adjusting the straps so that the backpack fits square on the back without putting leverage on the lower back or the upper back is key.  It should not be worn with one strap off and one on, as the support needs to be across both straps.

Using A Roller

Today, you may find that the best thing to purchase children and even teens are backpacks that are not really worn on the back, but rather rolled. Similar to a piece of luggage, these are low cost and work quite well and there is no major pain to the back. The key is to get a rolling solution that does not become a detriment to a child. Some of these are flimsy, or aren’t easy to pull, causing other injuries to manifest. Look at finding a good roller, that will take a bit of abuse, and that can convert to a backpack if need be.

Utilizing The Locker

Another good tip, even though many may not take it, is to utilize lockers. If your child is given a locker, make sure that you get them a good, easy to open lock, and make sure that they use it. This is an important element that is in place in most schools. If the school doesn’t have a locker system, then the next best thing is to figure out a way to keep on top of when books will be needed, and when they will not be needed, that way arrangements can be made to carry them or not.

The back of a child is important to keep straight, and without added weight. A backpack is a good utilitarian solution, but only when used properly. If it’s too high or too low, it will cause problems. Rollers are good, but only if they are sturdy and aren’t going to cause too much issue pulling items along with it. At the end of the day, to avoid injuries, parents have to look into the variations here, to figure out what will work best, and instruct children on proper backpack use.

Dr. Nailah Smith
Full Body Rejuvenation Center
Lithonia GA
Contact 770-733-1381

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