Friday, August 22, 2014

3 Major Issues That Sugar Can Cause In Weight Loss Plans

When it comes to losing weight, you are going to want to look into a variety of details to ensure that you are not causing any sort of harm to the body. Often times, people overdo it in one area and cause their body to either go into starvation mode, or cause issues of other times to manifest. You don’t want to have a detrimental reaction to your weight loss plan. If you have found a good plan, and you’re going to work on healthy living, then you’re on the right track. Amidst your plans, you will want to take note about one thing, and that’s the sugar problem that can manifest. Often times dieters will substitute, or replace sugars with artificial sweeteners, or other natural options that still cause problems for the metabolic rate and can actually cause you to gain weight instead of lose it.  With that in mind, consider the following issues that you will definitely want to keep tabs on.

The Artificial Sweetener

When you are looking at losing weight, you may find yourself gravitating towards no calorie sweeteners. Some of them are even “natural” in their variations. The problem with these is that it tricks the brain into
thinking that it hasn’t received any sort of sugar intake. As a result, you will find that you may overeat, because the body doesn’t process the sweetener the same way that it does real sugar. Not only that, many artificial sweeteners have been known to cause cancer in heavy doses, and could lead to other issues overall.

Reduced Fat Items

Look at boxes that say reduced fat, you will notice that the reduction in fat calories may have been replaced marginally, but the sugar is still there and the other ingredients may be bad for you as well. You need to look out for these, because if something has a reduction in fat that is marginal, you may want to eat more of it, and not even think twice. Be careful when you see reduced fat, reduced sugar, and other implements of marketing. You will find that they aren’t going to help you out.

All Natural Juices, Soda and More

Juice, soda, waters, and much more are being labeled with “all natural” labels. This is not a good thing if the sugar is still in the can, or bottle. You will find that the sugar content is still there, even if it comes from a natural source. The body processes sugar normally, but when you drink your calories, the body ends up converting a great deal of the sugary substance into fat cells. Storing those causes weight gain, and will be detrimental over time.

At the end of the day, you will find that sugar is not a helpful ingredient in your weight loss plans. It can sneak up on you too, even if you tried to “reduce” certain foods, drinks, and more, you will find that it is lurking in a variety of different places. 

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