Car accidents
bring many frustrations, especially when injuries are involved. Whiplash, back
injuries, and the flight or flight stress response leave the injured feeling
sore and overwhelmed. Chiropractic care and massage therapy are often used to
alleviate the stress and soreness connected with such events.
misalignments occur with most accidents, chiropractic care should be sought
shortly after the event. Specific details of the accident should be given to
the chiropractor in order to aid him in the choice of treatment. X-rays may be
taken to check for broken bones or fractures before treatment begins. Treatment
will adjust areas of misalignment, while increasing joint mobility and reducing
muscle stiffness and pain.

If there are no
severe bruises or muscle strains involved, massage therapy may also be used to
relieve soreness and stress after a car accident. Chiropractors and massage
therapists often work together to aid clients in their recovery. While there
are many forms of massage therapy available, it is best to consult with a
chiropractor or doctor before scheduling an appointment for massage when
injuries are involved. Certain types of massage may aggravate injuries, so
caution should be used when selecting a therapist. Swedish and Shiatsu (acupressure)
massage are beneficial for those with car accident related injuries, allowing
the alleviation of muscle tension, while increasing circulation to promote
healing to injured areas.

These forms of massage also promote relaxation,
relieving stress caused by the adrenaline that floods the body during an
accident. Shiatsu massage is often chosen for its simplicity. It has no adverse
side effects, and can be used on clients of any age. It also allows clients to
remain fully clothed while being treated. Rolfing (the hardest form of massage)
and myofascial release should only be used after consulting a chiropractor or
physician, as they both work deep tissue, which may aggravate certain types of
Full Body Rejuvenation Center
3636 Panola Rd. Ste B
Lithonia, Georgia
(770) 733-1381