Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Connecting The Dots of Pain

No matter what your age is, occupation, nationality, or how active you may be, you’ll find that pain can send you a variety of signals. For some people it’s to indicate that they’re growing older, for others, it’s a matter of dealing with an old injury, but regardless of the reason you may be feeling this signal the body is trying to communicate something. If you are like millions of others today, you may reach for a pain killer that is over the counter. Today, the answer to anything from a light sprain to a headache is to reach for pain medication, and that can send you down a slippery slope.

The Problem With Pain

The problem associated with pain is often discomfort, and nuisance. You may not be able to concentrate, walk, or do anything that you’d like to do as a result. However, the signals that the body are sending shouldn’t be ignored or drowned out. When you reach for the medications that are supposed to heal you, you’re actually just drowning out the body’s signals to you. This is only masking the problem and could end up causing more damage than good. If you have chronic pain, and you are taking pain relievers on a daily basis, it’s time to seek medical help.

Chiropractic Care

A holistic option that you can consider in regards to pain management is that of chiropractic care. The goal of a chiropractor is not to give you medications, or anything that is going to numb your body’s signals, but rather listen to the signals and connect the dots. You may feel pain in your knee, but the reality may be that you have injured your heel or a muscle in the lower back is not correctly in line. Something is awry, and the body is manifesting a signal in the appropriate area, but it’s really connected to something else. That’s where a chiropractor will be able to treat and help you regain balance and holistic healing.

Fixing The Root Cause

Many people ignore the root cause in favor of finding a way to numb pain. That’s a big issue that is plaguing the world today. You’ll find that more people go for a numbing effect, than to fix the real issue. If you don’t fix the root cause today, you could end up in the operation room tomorrow. Not everything needs surgery on day one, but day 300 of chronic pain and use of pain killers could result in those courses. Those are last resorts, and should not be seen as places to go unless you’ve ignored the body’s pain signals for too long and you’re in dire need of surgical help.

Visit a chiropractor when pain manifests, and see what alternatives are to just numbing the issue. You’ll be surprised how connected the body’s pressure points are. It’s something that will completely change the way you look at medicine, forever.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

Avoiding Back Surgery With Chiropractic Care

Millions of people go under the knife annually for routine back surgery. After all is said and done, the procedure may offer momentary relief, but it’s going to cause more pain over time. Even after one or two surgeries, some people get no semblance of relief, or marginal returns. This is due in large part to the fact that modern medicine doesn’t always treat the root cause of the issue, and looks for drastic measurements to attempt at healing the issue. There are times when surgery is unavoidable, but before things get to that drastic conclusion, treatment can be administered to help those in need today.

The Balancing Act
The body needs balance, and it’s something that chiropractic services can offer in a great and mighty way. You’ll find that when your body has perfect alignment, weight is distributed across several muscle systems. These systems act in such a way that it will help to create homeostasis. However, if your spinal column is not aligned, and your body is putting more weight on one side than other, a slip, a fall or even bending over could put pressure on nerve endings that are exposed or shifted and that’s where chronic pain sets in.

Things Get Worse

Things start to hurt more and more as people take on injuries with medication. There are a lot of over the counter medications that you can take to help the back, but it will only numb the issue. If you remain out of alignment, the spin can fuse, cause further nerve damage, or even break. In the worst case scenario, surgery is absolutely necessary, but that can come far after the initial issue starts to manifest. Before that first signal is sent, you could fix things by simply looking into routine chiropractic care.

The Difference Between Pain and Homeostasis

The goal of a chiropractor is not to numb pain. It’s to align the body into harmony. When the body is harmonious, a plan of action can be put into place to heal the issue. For those that have pain in the joints, back, and are dealing with a variety of issues, balance is the key. Focusing on a plan of action that combines holistic healing, diet, and exercise, the body can use the natural systems in place to align with the correct systems. When the alignment is at proper points, back pain, and other manifestations of injury can go away completely.

If you feel any issue in the back, joints, muscles, headaches, or pain of any kind it’s imperative that you not ignore the signals. The body sends these synapses to tell you that there’s something awry, and the more you ignore them or numb them, the higher the chances are that problems will get worse. Before long, you’ll be in the operating room instead of back in action with your daily life. It’s for that reason that you should contact a chiropractor and discuss the issue early, so that a course of rehabilitation is taken to prevent further injuries and keep you from going under the knife that comes with back surgery. 

Thursday, July 3, 2014

Pain Relief with Chiropractic Help – Reasons to See A Chiropractor

Millions of people today are suffering from a wide variety of ailments, most of them with pain involved. When pain manifests in the body, it is not always because of trauma. Medical professionals are often times quick to ease the pain, but not treat the root cause. This is especially true for ailments that may not have other physical symptoms, besides pain. Those that are dealing with neurological, back, wrist, ankle, or other injuries are hard to treat. When doctors are baffled, or they feel the best course is surgery they open up the patient and remove tissue, cut ligaments, or any number of things to help aid the pain. Then the recovery time comes in, and it can lead to even more chronic pain. There is hope for those suffering from pain, and that’s to seek out the help of a chiropractor. There are several reasons to go with this type of physiotherapy first, before heading into a surgical ward.

Treating the Root Cause
Many signals that the body gives are related to secondary pain issues. For instance, if the back hurts, many assume that there is trauma in the back. However, some may not see that there is a knee injury, or someone’s foot is stepping the wrong way in the shoe, or a number of other factors. A chiropractor looks for these signals and then corrects them through massage, corrective posturing, and more. The goal is to find a holistic healing method and apply it straightway. Instead of giving the patient pain relievers, adjustments are performed to find and heal the root issue.

Back Pain and Beyond
Those that are dealing with chronic back pain are often times rushed into the operating room to fix discs and more. However, there are a lot of elements that can push against the back and cause pain. You don’t always have to go under the knife. Adjustments to the spinal column, and massage can alleviate pressure around the muscles that could be causing the main issue. Furthermore, a chiropractor can look to see if weight, injury, or any other types of ailments may be causing the issue and then prescribe a regimen of physical therapy to get the patient back on track.

Holistic First, Then Other Measures
The main reason you want to go with a chiropractor first is simple, they seek out holistic options. They look at the body and use their expertise in the medical world to understand the root issues. Once a root problem is identified, they apply a solution that is not going to wear off in 2 or 3 hours. They look to find a holistic, natural solution that will alleviate the problem once and for all. That is not to say that some people don’t need serious medical attention, because some people do need more than adjustments, massage and therapy. However, these can be discussed and considered after a consultation.

The body is a wondrous thing, and professional chiropractic services can help alleviate a great deal of pain in the body, through physiotherapy, rather than pharmaceuticals. Remember, pharmaceuticals may only relieve the pain, but if that’s a signal that something greater is wrong, you will not be treating the source of the problem.