Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Stress the Silent Killer

stress and gray hair

Did you know that there are three major types of stress? Did you know that research has found that stress can make individuals more prone to both physical and psychological problems, including anxiety and heart disease?  Did you also know that as you are reading this your probably stressing out about something?

If you are, it’s time to stop! Stress is HORRIBLE for us! Not only can it cause disease, age us prematurely and just overall make us crazy, stress can also put you into an early grave! Who wants that?

full body rejuvenation center
The three major types of stress are categorized as:

Crisis Situation (earthquakes, floods and other assorted natural disasters that one has no control over)

Daily Life (deadlines, annoying colleagues, that guy you see every morning who just doesn’t get the hint that your not interested, traffic jams, evil bosses and so forth)

Major Life Changes (such as divorce, losing a child, going back to school, moving and all those things that we simply have no control over)

However, don’t fret! Despite our crazy stressful lives, there are things we can all do to relax:

Take a vacation (somewhere where the only requirement is to relax!)

Practice yoga (hey, those mats aren’t just for laying on!)

Treat yourself to a spa day (gel pedicure? Sure, why not?)

Or, you could come to Full Body Rejuvenation and wellness center and receive chiropractic adjustments to take all that pressure off the places in your body where it shouldn’t be so you can handle anything that life has to throw your way.  

Let us take your physical stress away so that your mental stress doesn’t seem so bad. Once you start feeling amazing, not only is life a whole new place; but you’ll know you made the right decision. Check us out at www.fullbodyrejuvenation.com or call 770-733-1381 for more info and to book your first appointment.

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