Thursday, April 24, 2014

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy

Chiropractic Care During Pregnancy care is beneficial before, during and after pregnancy. Imbalances in the pelvis and other areas of the body can be detected before pregnancy, reducing the likelihood of discomfort and other problems during the actual pregnancy, while post-natal care addresses issues with ligaments loosed in late pregnancy and childbirth. Care throughout a woman’s pregnancy has many benefits for the expectant mother, easing symptoms throughout pregnancy and the birthing process.
All chiropractors are trained to work with pregnant women, and chiropractic care is deemed safe for most expectant mothers.  Special tables are sometimes used for pregnant women, adjusting especially for the comfort of the patient, and techniques which chiropractors use during pregnancy avoid unnecessary pressure to the abdominal area. While working with pregnant patients is routine for chiropractors, many are specially trained in prenatal chiropractic care, such as those with Webster certification. Chiropractors with DACCP certification are those who have completed the highest level of advanced training. Specially trained chiropractors can provide stretches and exercises that are safe for their pregnant patients, as well as providing nutritional counseling.
The main reason for seeking chiropractic care during pregnancy is to maintain pelvic balance and alignment. Misalignment of the pelvis can reduce the amount of room for the growing baby, called intrauterine constraint, making the birthing process difficult. Other benefits include controlling pregnancy symptoms (nausea, digestive issues), relieving neck, back, and joint pain, reducing labor and delivery time, preventing c-section deliveries, and maintaining an overall healthy pregnancy. 

3636 Panola Road Ste B
Lithonia, GA 30038

Thursday, April 10, 2014

Vitamin B-12 Injections for Weight-loss

Vitamin B-12 Injections for Weight-loss

B12 Injections Full Body Rejuvenation Center
  Vitamin B-12 (cobalamin), a water-soluble vitamin that aids the body in converting food into fuel, is found naturally in many foods, such as high-quality meats, dairy, fish, fortified tofu, and eggs. Low levels of B-12 cause some forms of anemia, fatigue, intestinal disorders, depression, and in severe cases, nervous system disorders. Injections of Vitamin B-12 are mostly prescribed to help prevent pernicious anemia and B-12 deficiency.

            While solid evidence that B-12 injections aids in weight loss is lacking, injections are now being used as part of weight-loss programs around the country. B-12 injections are claimed to boost energy and metabolism, and while receiving large amounts of B-12 through the injections is not considered detrimental to your health, only patients who have existing low levels of B-12 before receiving injections usually see an improvement in energy levels after injections have started.  Weight loss varies from person to person, and is almost always combined with other methods of losing weight.
Weight Loss Full Body Rejuvenation Center

            As with any weight-loss product, B-12 injections should not be considered a miracle drug, and should be used in combination with regular exercise and a healthy diet. B-12 injections are known to interfere with the effectiveness of some medications. Patients on other medications should notify those administering B-12 injections before being treated.

Watch this video testimony about B12 injections:
**Full Body Rejuvenation Center has no affiliation with this YouTube personality.

Dr. Nailah Smith is a chiropractor at the Full Body Rejuvenation Center

Friday, April 4, 2014

The Benefits of Breaks in the Workplace

The Benefits of Breaks in the Workplace

Medical experts and psychologists agree that taking breaks during the workday is essential for superior productivity, less stress, and better health for employees.
Increased Productivity
            Studies show that workers who take short, frequent breaks are more productive than those who work for longer stretches of time. Psychologists believe that allowing the brain to rest after smaller work intervals (1-2 hours) helps the brain function at a higher level, rather than overtaxing the brain for long periods of time (3-4+ hours). A ten-minute break between each work period has been shown to boost performance levels of workers.
Reducing Stress
Over two million stress-related absences are reported in the U.S. workplace every year. Stress on
the job can be reduced with frequent breaks, allowing workers to return their minds and bodies to a more balanced state by getting a healthy snack, walking up the hallway, or practicing deep breathing exercises.
Lowers Physical Injuries and Ailments
Taking short breaks throughout the workday not only increases productivity and reduces stress, but also contributes to the overall health of the worker. Frequent problems resulting from working long hours without breaks include eyestrain, lower back pain, and decreased circulation. Long-term issues include diabetes, obesity, and heart disease. Studies find that workers sitting for more than 3 hours at a time have an elevated risk of developing the conditions listed above.
Recommended Break Activities few examples of healthy activities during breaks include taking a walk (hallways, stairs, outside); stretching the arms, legs, neck, and back; taking 5-6 deep breaths with eyes closed; eating a healthy snack (nuts, fruits, etc.); drinking water or other beverage low in caffeine and sugar; and meditating or simply resting the eyes. 

Dr. Nailah Smith, chiropractor, is the owner of The Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia, GA.