Monday, August 13, 2012

Chiropractics: What You Never Knew

Daniel David Palmer, who discovered chiropractics in 1895, was known as a magnetic healer, as well as holding an intense interest in metaphysics and phrenology (which is a practice that diagnoses diseases based on the bumps of the skull). He was rumored to have cured a janitors deafness simply by manipulation of the neck. Palmer had a theory that all disease is caused by subluxated bones, (which are usually bones found in the spine.) There is no history of  Palmer subjecting his ideas to any form of research, but instead directly began treating patients and teaching said principles to the first generation of chiropractors.

Having said all this, chiropractics today is often met with the same disdain and disbelief that it was back then, with one important exception: the fact that it works! Not only is it safer than taking loads of prescription medication or multiple rounds of physical therapy, chiropractic care can be a long term solution that benefits your overall wellness.  In other words, once you start going, you won't want to stop! Not only will you experience relief from whatever ailments seem to be plaguing you, but you can be assured that you will also notice better overall health and happiness. If you want something other than a pill that will most likely do more harm than good, chiropractics is absolutely the way to go!

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