5 Exercises for a Healthy Back
Most people don't exercise their back because it's not something you can see, so something you don't think about. It's usually not until your back is in pain that you take notice. However, pain and most issues can be avoided when you build yourself a strong back. Not to mention, a good back will give your physique a wide and powerful look, along with the illusion of having a smaller waist.
Here are some exercises that are easy on your spine, but helps build a strong back:
Lying flat on your stomach, extend your arms out straight in front
of you. Begin lifting opposite arm and leg, keeping arms and legs straight as
you move. Holding torso and pelvis on the ground, alternate arm and leg,
lifting them as high as possible. Hold pose for 5-10 seconds before
alternating. Build up to 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
With a twice-folded towel under your hips, lie on your stomach.
Placing hands behind your head, slowly lift upper body off of the ground as
high as possible. When your upper body is lifted as high as possible, look
towards the ceiling, squeezing your glutes and back muscles tight before
lifting your legs. Build up to 3 sets of 12-15 reps.
Standing with your back leaning against a wall, position your feet
12 inches in front of your body. Slowly bend both knees 45 degrees, keeping
abdominal muscles tight. Hold pose for 5-10 seconds. Return slowly to starting
position. Build up to 10-15 reps.
While lying on your back, bend your knees, placing your feet flat
against the floor. Try to keep your shoulders touching the floor, while rolling
knees to one side of your body. Hold position for 10 seconds, before returning
to beginning pose. Switch to the other side. Repeat 4-6 times, twice daily.
Lying on your back with bent knees, tighten abdominal muscles until the
small of your back presses flat against the floor. Hold this position for 5-10
seconds, and then relax your muscles. Begin with 2-3 reps, slowly building up
to 10 reps.
Dr Nailah Smith is a Chiropractor at The Full Body Rejuvenation Center in Lithonia, GA.